Um clássico! Um daqueles clássicos que devemos louvar como ? Bullshit!! Curiosamente, o próprio Burgess também tinha dúvidas: 

 "We all suffer from the popular desire to make the known notorious. The book I am best known for, or only known for, is a novel I am prepared to repudiate: written a quarter of a century ago, a jeu d'esprit knocked off for money in three weeks, it became known as the raw material for a film which seemed to glorify sex and violence. The film made it easy for readers of the book to misunderstand what it was about, and the misunderstanding will pursue me until I die. "

num ensaio dos maniqueísmos da sociedade e constitui ele próprio numa ácida crítica ao nosso mundo


 O que causou espanto ( e ainda causa ) é a brutal violência da obra - mas essa violência não é uma visão "futura"  Interessante que sejam muitos os que pensam que o choque/ a náusea 

 O mundo criado - que podia ser representado num quadro de Hieronymus de Bosch - é um indefinido pote de violência, do qual se sabe muitíssimo pouco, além da enchorrada de "grotteschi"

 Themes of good vs. bad vs. free will vs. control are predominant. And the author makes you question what is best. But there's also a lot of violence in this book that can be so gruesome and "horrorshow" that the lessons could be lost while the reader is focused on the horrible things that happen. It's definitely not a book for those who don't like to read about violence, rape, murder, and other various terrible things. Although most of it is only recognizable if you can get past the slang.

1I read this one to get it off my TBR list. It's been hanging out there for a while, but I've never really attempted to read it before. I found that completing the book was a challenge for me.

The writer of this book uses lots of colloquial phrasing and made-up language. Most readers can figure out the meaning of the words from their usage, however some readers will get frustrated and choose not to undertake the challenge.

The book is somewhat violent, following Alex, a 15 year old through the streets as he and his friends beat and rape innocent people. They break into houses and steal from whoever is unlucky enough to be in their path.

Some people categorize this book as a science fiction dystopian novel. Big words that basically mean it's set in the future. However in reading this book, I can see that it might fit in any time period. I was reminded of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I can imagine youth of the 50s and 60s acting this way, just as I knew a few youth who in the 80s and 90s acted this way.

Overall, I wasn't thrilled with the book. I feel a sense of accomplishment for finishing it, but also disappointment that it was such a waste of time.

publicado por Andreia Torres às 22:35editado por sá morais em 19/09/2014 às 23:20