


 Um clássico! Um daqueles clássicos que devemos louvar como ? Bullshit!! Curiosamente, o próprio Burgess também tinha dúvidas: 

 "We all suffer from the popular desire to make the known notorious. The book I am best known for, or only known for, is a novel I am prepared to repudiate: written a quarter of a century ago, a jeu d'esprit knocked off for money in three weeks, it became known as the raw material for a film which seemed to glorify sex and violence. The film made it easy for readers of the book to misunderstand what it was about, and the misunderstanding will pursue me until I die. "

num ensaio dos maniqueísmos da sociedade e constitui ele próprio numa ácida crítica ao nosso mundo


 O que causou espanto ( e ainda causa ) é a brutal violência da obra - mas essa violência não é uma visão "futura"  Interessante que sejam muitos os que pensam que o choque/ a náusea 

 O mundo criado - que podia ser representado num quadro de Hieronymus de Bosch - é um indefinido pote de violência, do qual se sabe muitíssimo pouco, além da enchorrada de "grotteschi"

 Themes of good vs. bad vs. free will vs. control are predominant. And the author makes you question what is best. But there's also a lot of violence in this book that can be so gruesome and "horrorshow" that the lessons could be lost while the reader is focused on the horrible things that happen. It's definitely not a book for those who don't like to read about violence, rape, murder, and other various terrible things. Although most of it is only recognizable if you can get past the slang.

1I read this one to get it off my TBR list. It's been hanging out there for a while, but I've never really attempted to read it before. I found that completing the book was a challenge for me.

The writer of this book uses lots of colloquial phrasing and made-up language. Most readers can figure out the meaning of the words from their usage, however some readers will get frustrated and choose not to undertake the challenge.

The book is somewhat violent, following Alex, a 15 year old through the streets as he and his friends beat and rape innocent people. They break into houses and steal from whoever is unlucky enough to be in their path.

Some people categorize this book as a science fiction dystopian novel. Big words that basically mean it's set in the future. However in reading this book, I can see that it might fit in any time period. I was reminded of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. I can imagine youth of the 50s and 60s acting this way, just as I knew a few youth who in the 80s and 90s acted this way.

Overall, I wasn't thrilled with the book. I feel a sense of accomplishment for finishing it, but also disappointment that it was such a waste of time.

publicado por Andreia Torres às 22:35editado por sá morais em 19/09/2014 às 23:20

Rosto de Aiwan




Depois de Klodi ter sido a encarnação física de Calédra, está escolhido o "rosto" para a protagonista do manuscrito que estou a escrever neste momento. Este rosto é sereno, mas quem vê caras...

publicado por sá morais às 16:42





Durante uma pausa na sua viagem, justificada por diversas razões, Haghen deu por si numa enorme exposição, enquanto percorria as labirínticas ruas de Melnit. Era um daqueles eventos calendarizados onde supostamente convergiam as maravilhas tecnológicas vindas de todos os mundos que polvilhavam o universo conhecido. No fundo, cada pavilhão era uma gigantesca montra, onde as várias companhias se exibiam e alardeavam a sua superioridade tecnológica, no intuito de conquistar os consumidores locais, em especial os governos ou os cidadãos mais abastados. Haghen lamentou aquele azar do destino e esgueirou-se entre a multidão, tentando passar despercebido. No entanto, ao passar junto de um dos últimos pavilhões, um eridano agarrou-lhe o braço e deteve-o.

  - Suponho que lhe interesse ver um milagre da engenharia genética! - bradou de modo quase histérico o eridano , esboçando um sorriso na sua larga boca. - Venha, amigo! Visite o pavilhão da Sakamori Tecnologies ! Somos os maiores...

   - Não! Não tenho tempo! - retorquiu Haghen, sacudindo-o.

  Haghen compôs o seu capuz e fez-se novamente ao caminho. Porém, logo que deu alguns passos, reparou num grupo que vinha na sua direcção. Eram policias da Igreja Suprema e pareciam procurar alguém. Reagindo de imediato, Haghen voltou atrás e fez sinal ao eridano de que tinha mudado de ideias.

- Venha! Venha! - exclamava o animado ser, enquanto o conduzia por um corredor. - Garanto-lhe que nunca viu nada assim.

   Nesse instante, uma luz mais forte revelou o oculto rosto de Haghen .

-Ah! É humano! E não foi renascido! - bradou o animado eridano. - Uma visão rara nos tempos que correm! Como esta empresa também foi fundada na velha Terra, nem lhe vou cobrar entrada! O que tenho para lhe mostrar é fantástico! Um milagre da ciência! Graças ao Supremo Espírito da Igreja Suprema, claro...

   Haghen tirou o capuz e soltou um suspiro nasalado.

- Claro... Eu sou humano mas apenas nasci na Terra... Sou drakoniano. Fui...

   O vendedor nem o escutou, continuando a debitar elogios à empresa que representava. A certa altura, detiveram-se na entrada de uma enorme e escura sala. Aos poucos, as luzes e os painéis holográficos foram-se acendendo numa sequência pré-determinada. Começaram então a surgir velhas imagens de quando a Terra fervilhava de vida e o Homem a habitava sem restrições. Imagens de antes do Colapso... Nesse momento, um som estranho e profundo chamou a atenção de Haghen para o fundo da sala. O eridano sorriu novamente e fez-lhe sinal para se aproximar daquilo que parecia ser uma cela. Havia algo vivo no seu interior, um enorme animal que Haghen reconheceu de velhos livros que lera.

- É um felino da Terra... Um tigre... - murmurou.

   O outro bateu palmas de contente e depois abriu os seus compridos braços na direcção do tecto.

- Graças ao Supremo Espírito, a Sakamori encontrou algum ADN impoluto e conseguiu trazer de novo à vida esta primitiva besta da Terra! Não é maravilhoso! Apenas conseguimos clonar este exemplar, mas em breve, a partir deste, serão criados novos espécimes alterados, de acordo com a vontade dos clientes! Já imaginou as possibilidades? As leis da Igreja Suprema não incluem a clonagem ou ressuscitação de seres irracionais! Este é um animal feroz! Muitos militares irão pagar fortunas para terem versões alteradas deste animal nas suas fileiras e os ricos directores terão uma versão de estimação à qual retiraremos a ferocidade, usando inibidores idênticos aos usado nos "sem-alma"! As possibilidades são imensas!

  Haghen manteve os olhos no animal, que caminhava nervosamente, descrevendo círculos dentro da sua prisão e reparou que a empresa tinha gravado o seu logótipo no dorso do animal.

- O único problema é que este estúpido animal tem-se recusado a comer!... - resmungou em jeito de confissão. - O ingrato! Talvez tenhamos de encurtar esta digressão e levá-lo para o laboratório em Secmiat antes do que estava previsto... Ainda temos de o estudar melhor e ele é o único ADN que agora temos... Nós...

  Haghen não ouviu mais nada. O seu olhar cruzou-se com o do animal e ele viu-se reflectido naqueles enormes olhos, onde não restava qualquer sombra de grandeza ou vitalidade. Olhos ausentes, suplicantes... Reflexos solitários de um mundo que nada nem ninguém traria de volta. Reflexos de um olhar condenado...

 Virando-se energicamente, Haghen foi-se embora e abandonou o pavilhão, sem ligar aos apelos do eridano .

  Nessa noite, alguém iludiu os andróides e todos os outros sistemas de segurança e penetrou na zona dos pavilhões... Primeiro houve um silvo quase inaudível, depois um profundo suspiro final que ecoou por toda aquela zona. Passados apenas alguns minutos, o pavilhão da Sakamori era totalmente destruído por uma violenta explosão. Tudo no seu interior havia sido incinerado por uma granada de cascata...

  No dia seguinte, um homem seguia por uma longa avenida de Melnit. Uma mulher de traços asiáticos aproximou-se e colocou-se a seu lado. Com um gesto habitual e inconsciente, ela cobriu com o seu ilegalmente longo cabelo os números de série no seu pescoço que a identificavam como uma ressuscitada, uma "sem-alma" aos olhos das autoridades religiosas. 

 - Nas notícias dizem que houve um ataque terrorista ao pavilhão da Sakamori... Sabes alguma coisa sobre o que se passou? - perguntou-lhe ela.

 - Lin... Digamos que fiz um favor a um velho amigo... Por vezes, não existir, pode não ser assim tão mau... Especialmente se formos apenas uma memória de algo que já não existe. Espero que haja alguém que também tenha misericórdia de mim, quando esse momento chegar e eu for apenas isso... uma memória, uma curiosidade pronta a ser devassada. Estes são os últimos dias de um mundo moribundo...

 Em resposta ela agarrou-lhe a mão com firmeza e ficou momentâneamente em silêncio, enquanto iam caminhando lado a lado. 

publicado por sá morais às 19:43

The Runaway Star (Drako T. Haghen)





   Depois de um rápido corte de cabelo, depilação laser do rosto e uma prolongada sessão de maquilhagem, conduziram-no ao diminuto estúdio de gravação, mero cubículo, recanto de um recanto habitável.

   A entrevistadora veio ter com ele, apresentou-se e tentou serená-lo com um meia-dúzia de piadinhas banais. Era uma rapariga extremamente atraente, mas ele nem reparou - talvez estivesse realmente tenso ou apenas cansado de ver aquele número de catálogo em milhares de outros rostos.

   Os focos ganharam vida e uma luminosidade agressiva feriu-lhe a vista. O técnico, marido da rapariga, acertou os últimos detalhes sonoros e de edição de imagem, orientou-lhe o rosto e a expressão - que teimava em alternar o sorriso nulo com o ridiculamente exagerado, não obstante as indicações que eram dadas.

   Iniciou-se então a contagem decrescente.






  - Olá a todos os ciberespectadores espalhados por esse mundo! - começou a rapariga, gesticulando com um excitação que quase escondia o artificialismo. - Sou a vossa querida Stella Harrisson do Canal Harrisson39 e tenho comigo Jamie Santana! - guinchando para a câmara. - O sortudo que foi sorteado para a Missão Barnard! É verdade! Descobrimos o homem de que todos falam! O homem invejado por milhões! É de loucos! Diz-nos como te sentes ao saberes que tiveste uma sorte fabulosa! Tu enlouqueceste as probabilidades, distorceste a sorte!

   - Eu...

   Um gesto do técnico interrompeu-o.

   - Agora temos cinco minutos de publicidade, querido - explicou a rapariga. - Só respondes quando quando a contagem voltar a zero. Mas tu nunca viste este canal?

   - Não. Não costumo usar os óculos. Nem tenho chip...

   A apresentadora olhou para ele e riu-se.

   - Tu és engraçado! Deves é ver a concorrência e agora estás com vergonha de admitir!

   Ele emudeceu e só voltou a falar algum tempo depois:

   - O meu nome é Jaime e não Jamie. Jaime.

   - Hã?... Está bem... Olha! - olhando para o ecrã, enquanto ajeitava a roupa. - Trinta segundos! Prepara-te!






   - Bem... Eu... Alguém tinha de ser escolhido e calhou a mim.

   - Mas imagino que estejas hiper-feliz! Foi o Presidente Alois em pessoa que escolheu o teu número! Aposto que nem tens dormido! Aposto que nunca imaginaste uma sorte destas.

   - Eu comprei o número porque o meu pai era um entusiasta da exploração espacial. Sonhava com viagens a Marte e com a hipótese de haver vida fora da Terra. Infelizmente, já não assistiu a isto. Foi a pensar nele que comprei o número.

   - Que querido! Mas fala-nos mais de ti! Quem é Jamie Santana?

   A emissão foi novamente interrompida.

   - Caímos sete pontos nas audiências e perdemos dois patrocínios! - protestou o técnico. - Quinze mil créditos que se foram e vamos precisar deles! Quero coisas com interesse, coisas que as pessoas queiram realmente saber!

   - Tens de falar mais, querido - detalhou a apresentadora. - O que dizes é muito bonito mas as pessoas querem emoções profundas. Muita tragédia ou muita alegria, ok?

   Apesar do pedido, Jaime não conseguiu trazer para a entrevista a emotividade desejada, mantendo as audiências em queda - algo verdadeiramente decepcionante, tendo em conta que aquela era a primeira aparição pública daquele que todos queriam conhecer. Felizmente, a podstation era secundária e era possível conter os danos...

   - Bonito! - protestou o técnico - O nosso sinal foi bloqueado. Mas que?... Perdemos a licença! 

   Jaime aproveitou o pânico dos anfitriões e foi-se embora sem que eles dessem conta.

   Quando saía do velho prédio no centro da cidade, uma horda de jornalista e mirones rodeou-o, afogando-o em centenas de perguntas. O caos foi interrompido pela chegada de uma dúzia de militares corpulentos que dispersaram à bruta a pequena multidão, deixando apenas passar um rapaz pálido e de traços delicados.

   - O meu nome é Adam Evan. Fui enviado para te vir buscar e levar-te a quem cuidará de ti. Já perdemos demasiado tempo. Foi difícil dar contigo... Tens o chip avariado? 

   - Obrigado mas não preciso de ajuda - rebateu Jaime sem lhe dar importância. - Adeus.

   - Espera. Fui enviado pela WASA. Não é uma questão de precisares... A menos que queiras abdicar do prémio.

   - Então é assim?...

   O rapaz fez-lhe sinal para que entrasse num grande electrocarro preto.

   - E o meu carro? - perguntou Jaime.

   - Aquela coisa? Dá-me o código e depois um dos soldados leva-o.

   Apesar da surpresa de receber uma chave metálica, o rapaz não disse mais nada e entrou pela porta oposta.

   - Há empresas globais interessadas em patrocinar-te, Jaime Santana. Vão gastar ziliões! A WASA precisa desses fundos. A tua percentagem não é má. Mas para haver esses patrocínios, não podemos voltar a ter tristes espectáculos como o de hoje. Os eleitores querem uma pessoa moderna, interessante, educada e sensível, um herói que venda produtos e serviços...

   Jaime ainda viu o casal da Harrisson39 ser arrastado por alguns soldados, enquanto outros levavam todo o material informático. Depois de um suspiro, recostou-se no desconfortável banco e serviu-se do sumo de amora que estava sobre uma pequena mesa.

   - Um herói? Que grande disparate...

   - Não, não é. Também há a questão da segurança...

   - Como assim?

   - Os fanáticos das seitas, os malucos... Já fizeram algumas ameaças ao programa e... a ti...  Temos de tudo: Cruzados Cristãos, Filhos de Gaia, os Revelation e por aí fora... Basta haver um doido que consiga ter acesso a uma arma e zás. É muito difícil que aconteça mas todo o cuidado é pouco. Não podes andar por aí como se continuasses a ser apenas mais um...

   - Só me faltava essa...

   - Nós estamos atentos. Não te preocupes com isso! Mas a minha função é outra. Hum... - agarrando-lhe o queixo e forçando-o a virar-se para si. - Não sei qual foi o teu médico mas já te digo que não era grande coisa...

   - Jaime enxotou-o com uma palmada.

   - Mas que médico?! Eu não fiz aperfeiçoamento. Nem irei nunca fazer! E para com isso...

   - Caramba! Onde estiveste a viver? Num buraco? Nem uma limpeza de pele?... Bem, pode ser que as rugas, as cicatrizes e... as singularidades sirvam o nosso propósito. Já estou a imaginar as parangonas: Humanidade retoma o envio de primatas para o espaço exterior! Sim, é capaz de vender...

   Jaime pisou o copo e olhou para ele.

   - Repete essa piada e tu é que vais precisar de cirurgia...

   A conversa ficou por ali e só foi retomada duas horas depois, quando pararam num posto de controle militar.

   - Vais viver aqui até ao dia da partida. É seguro e terás quem te oriente. Felizmente, temos algum tempo...

   - E as minhas coisas?

   - Os teus pertences foram trazidos enquanto davas a entrevista. Amanhã irás conhecer o Prof. Rosenberg e a tua assessora. Ela vive na casa em frente da tua. Só há duas. É fácil dar com ela. Ah! O código da tua casa é o mesmo da tua conta de email.

   - Como é que?...

   A pergunta foi interrompida pela travagem do electrocarro. A porta destrancou-se e Adam acenou-lhe. 

   - A da esquerda. Dorme bem.

   Jaime saiu e deu por si numa rua que parecia interminável, onde apenas havia duas casa, frente-a-frente. Tudo o resto era mato e escuridão. Os electrocarros arrancaram e deixaram-no naquele cenário irreal.

   Sem outra opção, abriu o portão, subiu a rampa de entrada, digitou o código e a porta abriu-se. A súbita voz do computador da casa assustou-o:

   "Bem vindo, Jaime Santana. A WASA deseja-lhe uma excelente estadia"

   - Vai bardamerda! - murmurou em resposta. - Até o meu mail vasculharam...

   Exausto, procurou uma cama. Ainda colocou a hipótese de explorar aquele lugar mas essa vontade esbateu-se no facto de já não dormir há quarenta e oito horas. Nem a esperada reflexão sobre tudo o que lhe acontecera foi capaz de travar o sono, que acabou por impor-se rapidamente e sem grande resistência.


2011 - Drako T. Haghen


© Direitos Reservados

publicado por sá morais às 18:35

Divulgação: Collider


Collider - The Movie: A scientific experiment gone wrong. Mankind is on the verge of extinction and the world itself faces its darkest hour. Peter, Alisha, Carlos, Fiona, Luke and Lucia wake up in an abandoned hotel in 2018. Together they will try to uncover what triggered the beginning of the apocalypse and try to reverse the wormhole before all is lost. 

O Collider na revista Empire deste mês. — com Bella Ferne HeesomLucy CuddenTeresa Tavares e Marco Costa.


publicado por sá morais às 21:01

Outra vida, as mesmas questões - À descoberta da distopia


Parece ser uma palavra muito presente, nos últimos tempos, quando se fala de livros, mas a verdade é que há muito mais, no mundo da distopia, para além dos sucessos mais recentes. Há clássicos - tanto quanto se pode definir o conceito de clássico - que, apesar dos anos, permanecem pertinentes e actuais nas questões que evocam, perturbadores na possibilidade que apresentam, da existência de uma sociedade como a que narram, e, escritos num registo mais ou menos denso, mais ou menos descritivo, vastíssimos naquilo que têm para oferecer. O que se segue são algumas sugestões de leitura enquadradas nesta categoria.


1. A História de uma Serva - Margaret Atwood
História de uma ditadura teocrática e, ao mesmo tempo, percurso pessoal de um dos elementos desse sistema, este é um livro que, dentro das distopias consideradas clássicas, surpreende, em primeiro lugar, pela fluidez de uma escrita nada densa, por um ritmo viciante, e por uma empatia que se gera para com a protagonita e que se mantém, ao longo da evolução do seu caminho e da exposição do que caracteriza um sistema assustadoramente plausível. Sendo o mais envolvente dos cinco livros desta lista, seria possivelmente um bom ponto de partida para descobrir as distopias, mas não desilude, de forma alguma, quem já tiver lido outras obras do género.


2. Mil Novecentos e Oitenta e Quatro - George Orwell
Bastante mais denso que o anterior, o que acaba por se adequar na perfeição à opressão do sistema apresentado, esta história de um mundo controlado pelo Grande Irmão é uma leitura exigente, mas riquíssima. Tudo no sistema é convincente e, uma vez assimilada a sua verdadeira dimensão, o que a história transmite é muito mais que o percurso das personagens. É todo um conjunto de questões - sempre actuais - sobre liberdade e segurança.



3. Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

Também particularmente marcante pela construção de um ambiente opressivo, bem como pelas muitas questões que evoca, este é um livro que questiona a importância da preservação do património cultural, mas também da manutenção da individualidade, num cenário onde o conformismo é o elemento dominante e a simples posse de um livro - esse objecto tão simples e tão mágico - é um crime. Não é uma leitura leve, nem nunca o poderia ser, mas é fascinante em todos os aspectos. E, talvez, especialmente perturbador para os bibliófilos.


São livros muito diferentes, entre si, mas todos levantam questões fundamentais na forma como abordam o mundo que querem mostrar aos leitores. Estas questões, associadas ao muito de interessante que há também na história e nas personagens - que também contam, afinal - e na própria escrita, até, fazem destes livros um ponto de passagem fundamental para descobrir as bases dessa tal palavra - distopia - que nos leva a ponderar a realidade.

publicado por Carla Ribeiro às 14:01

Fórum Fantástico 2013 (8ª Edição)



Fórum Fantástico 2013 (8ª Edição)

De 15 a 17 de Novembro

Biblioteca Municipal Orlando Ribeiro, em Telheiras, Lisboa


15 de Novembro, Sexta-feira

15:00 – Abertura (inauguração da exposição ZoranFrames)

15:30 – Apresentação das iniciativas “Prémios Adamastor do Fantástico” e “Livros da Utopia” (com Rogério Ribeiro e Artur Coelho)

16:00 – Apresentação “Novidades em Videojogos” (colaboração com RubberChicken)

16:30 – Intervalo (abertura do Espaço RubberChicken)

17:00 – Lançamento “Videojogos em Portugal: História, Tecnologia e Arte” – Ed. FCA (com o autor Nelson Zagalo)

17:30 – Ilustração Fantástica (com David Sequeira e Marta Patalão)

18:00 – Conversas de Horror (com David SoaresAntónio MonteiroJosé Pedro Lopes e Pedro Santasmarinas)

19:00 – Exibição das curtas “M is for Mail”, de José Pedro Lopes, e “M is for Macho”, de Pedro Santasmarinas


16 de Novembro, Sábado

10:30-12:30 – Workshop de Escrita Trëma

14:15 – Lançamento “Lusitânia - 2ºVolume”

14:45 – História da FC portuguesa (painel moderado por Luís Filipe Silva)

15:15 – Lançamento “Nome de Código: Portograal”- Ed. Marcador/Presença (com o autor Luís Corredoura)

15:45 – Sessão Steampunk: Elfic Wear (com Angélica Elfic) e Clockwork Portugal (com Joana LimaSofia Romualdo e André Nobrega)

16:30 – Intervalo (com sessão de autógrafos)

17:00 – Apresentação Bang! e Bang! Brasil – Ed. Saída de Emergência (com Safaa Dib)

17:30 – Anúncio dos vencedores do concurso ZoranFrames (patrocinado por Ed. Cavalo de Ferro, Sony e Xerox)

18:00 – Apresentação “Brasil” – Ed. 1001 Mundos/ASA/Leya (com o autor Ian McDonald)

18:30 – Apresentação “Winepunk” (com AMP RodriguezJoana LimaRogério Ribeiro, entre outros)

19:00 – Sessão conjunta de autógrafos


17 de Novembro, Domingo

14:15 – Publicação de Contos Portugueses Além-Fronteiras (com João VenturaJoão Ramalho-SantosInês MontenegroJoão Rogaciano)

15:00 – Sugestões de Literatura, Filmes e Jogos (com João BarreirosArtur Coelho e João Campos)

15:30 – Audiovisual Nacional: RPG, Collider e Sangue Frio (com David RebordãoNuno BernardoVasco Rosa e Diana Lima)

16:15 – Exibição “Jogo Maldito”, de David Rebordão

16:30 – Intervalo

17:00 – Banda-Desenhada: Dog Mendonça e Pizzaboy 3 – Ed. Tinta da China (com Filipe MeloJuan Cavia e Santiago Villa), Butterfly Chronicles – Ed. Qualalbatroz (com João Mascarenhas e Marc Parchow), e Hanuram, O Dourado (com Ricardo Venâncio), moderado por João Lameiras

18:00 – Exibição da curta “Esperânsia”, de Cláudio Jordão

18:15 – Encerramento


Todos os dias: Durante o evento estará disponível uma Feira do Livro Fantástico, gerida pela livraria Dr. Kartoon, assim como uma banca da editora Saída de Emergência, um espaço de demonstração da RubberChicken e uma banca de jogos da Runadrake

Organização: Épica/Rogério Ribeiro/Safaa Dib/João Campos

Cartaz: Pedro Marques

Video Promocional: Nuno Elias

Aviso: O programa agora divulgado está sujeito a correcções e adições até ao evento, portanto aconselhamos a consulta frequente do nosso blog. Apelamos a todos que divulguem o evento e o presente programa, mas juntando sempre o nosso endereço para possíveis actualizações.

publicado por sá morais às 10:31

V-S Day - A Novel of Alternate History by Allen Steele

V-S Day

V-S Day

A Novel of Alternate History

Allen Steele - Author

With a gift for visionary fiction that “would make Robert A. Heinlein proud” (Entertainment Weekly) three-time Hugo Award-winning author Allen Steele now imagines an alternate history rooted in an actual historical possibility: what if the race to space had occurred in the early days of WWII?
It's 1941, and Wernher von Braun is ordered by his Fuehrer to abandon the V2 rocket and turn German resources in a daring new direction: construction of a manned orbital spacecraft capable of attacking the U.S. Work on the rocket—called Silbervogel—begins at Peenemunde. Though it is top secret, British intelligence discovers the plan, and brings word to Franklin Roosevelt. The American President determines that there is only one logical response: the U.S. must build a spacecraft capable of intercepting Silbervogel and destroying it. Robert Goddard, inventor of the liquid-fuel rocket, agrees to head the classified project.

So begins a race against time—between two secret military programs and two brilliant scientists whose high-stakes competition will spiral into a deadly game of political intrigue and unforeseen catastrophes played to the death in the brutal skies above America.
publicado por Andreia Torres às 22:46

Fassbender Welcomes ‘Prometheus 2′ Delay


With Ridley Scott and Michael Fassbender currently on the promotional trail with his all-star crime thriller THE COUNSELLOR, it’s reignited talk of a sequel to his ALIEN prequel PROMETHEUS. Earlier in the week we learned from Scott that the film was in the process of being written. A new draft is being penned by TRANSCENDENCE scribe Jack Paglen. Now the question has been put to Fassbender about a return as demented droid David and a re-teaming with the legendary director, which is expected to commence production once his biblical epic EXODUS and BLADE RUNNER sequel are out of the way.

Check out Fassbender’s surprisingly excited response:

Source: Yahoo! Movies UK

publicado por Andreia Torres às 22:39

Scott’s ‘Prometheus’ Sequel Still On Track


Ridley Scott is currently on the promotional trail with his intense crime thriller THE COUNSELOR. The film was released in the US on Friday but has failed to connect with audiences despite an outstanding, all-star ensemble led by the brilliant Michael Fassbender. Now with that film almost out of the way (although it’s still to be released in a number of territories including here in the UK), eyes again are beginning to turn on another Fassbender/Scott reunion – a sequel to Scott’s ALIEN prequel PROMETHEUS.

The film may have rubbed up a number of people up the wrong way (yes, a number plot developments may have been a little dumb) but I firmly believe it’s a dazzling and daring sci-fi thriller, so I was desperate to see the further adventures of Dr. Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and droid David (Fassbender) as they search for more ‘Engineer’ answers. Things have certainly been quiet since TRANSCENDENCE scribe Jack Paglen was named as new screenwriter in July. However, during a press junket for THE COUNSELOR, the iconic director was asked about the state of the sequel, thought to be titled PARADISE, and how far it’s off development.

Scott gave a short, yet assured answer:

PROMETHEUS is being written right now! Number 2!

Scott is expected to make biblical epic EXODUS his next directing gig before moving on to a sequel to his sci-fi cult classic BLADE RUNNER. Could PROMETHEUS 2/PARADISE then follow? We hope so.

Source: ScreenSlam

publicado por Andreia Torres às 22:37




As the snow falls steadily somewhere in Russia, I watch Alice (Milla Jovovich), Leon Kennedy (Johann Urb) and Luther (Boris Kodjoe) exit a vehicle called the Spryte.  It’s been flipped on its side on a thick patch of ice because of an Umbrella submarine that’s come up through the ice.  As our heroes climb down from the door to get their footing and prepare their weapons, nearby I see the massive Umbrella submarine that’s come up through the ice.  As our heroes get ready, Jill Valentine (Sienna Guillory) and “Bad Rain” (Michelle Rodriguez) escort their prisoner Ada Wong (Li BingBing) from the exit door of the Umbrella sub.  Both groups see each other.  Then, without warning, “Bad Rain” shoots something into her neck and hits Ada Wong with the back of her gun and she falls to the ice.   As this happens, Jill Valentine and Alice run towards each other and start to fight.  Welcome to the set of Resident Evil: Retribution.

But let me back up a second.

As I type these words, it’s December 14, 2011 and I’m flying back to Los Angeles from Toronto.  While I was in the great Canadian city yesterday, I got to spend all day on the set of the 5thResident Evil movie with a number of other reporters and learned a lot about what’s probably the second-to-last installment of the very successful franchise.  For more on the visit, hit the jump.


First off, here’s the teaser trailer for the film that was just release:


Before going any further, spoilers are discussed.  You’ve been warned.

25 Things to Know About Resident Evil: Retribution From the Set Visit

  • The fifth installment is more of a chase movie that the previous films and it’s more realistic.  It’s also being filmed in 3D like the last one and they’re filming in 4K.
  • The movie opens where the last film ended which was on the deck of the Arcadia ship.
  • There are three different types of zombies: the newly created undead, the Russians – Las Plagas, and the zombies in Tokyo. Some are called lickers (which are all CGI).  Everything is enhanced with the Russian zombies, and their actions are almost super-human.
  • There are more zombies this time around except they’re in smaller groups.
  • Makeup Effects Supervisor Paul Jones wanted the makeup on the zombies to look realistic. He took inspiration from Day of the Dead.
  • There was talk of doing Resident Evil 5 and 6 back to back but ultimately they decided shoot the fifth film by itself.  However, Paul W.S. Anderson has a rough idea for the 6th film and he sees it as the finale of the series.  (Of course if the movies keep making tons of money, then who knows if the studio will let it end).  He also already knows where the final Umbrella location will be in the 6th movie but wouldn’t reveal it.



Nick Powell is doing the second unit direction and he’s also the stunt coordinator.  He’s a real “get” for the production as his previous credits include BraveheartThe Bourne IdentityGoldeneye, and a number of other huge productions.  He’s designed some awesome action set pieces and should help to make the fifth Resident Evil look incredible.

  • For fans of the series, the opening paragraph revealed that some previously killed characters have come back from the dead.  This is a result of Umbrella and cloning.  As a result of being brought back by Umbrella, Jill Valentine is wearing a red scarab on her chest (seen in previous films) and she’s under their control. Also, “Bad Rain” injects herself with the Las Plagas parasites and this gives her superhuman powers.  During our interview with Michelle Rodriguez she made a statement that she can now eat bullets.  We were not sure if that was a joke or if she really can now eat bullets.
  • At some point in the film, we’ll see a flashback to before the Umbrella virus destroyed the world.  During the flashback we’ll see Michelle Rodriguez wearing heels, without guns, and driving a Pruis.  She’ll look and act unlike anything we’ve ever seen her do in any movie.  In addition, we’ll see Carlos Oliveira (Oded Fehr) as a dad in suburbia.  It’ll be a stark contrast to how we’ve seen them in the previous films.
  • The fifth Resident Evil will see women fighting women.  Based on the costumes I saw yesterday, this is a very good thing.
  • The big fight scene between Alice and Jill on the ice somewhere in Russia originally had 200 moves.  However, the production is running behind and the final number might be cut down.
  • Some of the second unit went to Red Square in Moscow and filmed for a day while certain areas were shut down.  They also filmed in a Russian subway.  They are going to use what they shot as the basis for plate shots since a huge action scene takes place in Moscow.  The production actually shot the action on Toronto soundstages but by using the plates shot on location, it will look like they really shot on in Moscow.

  • The Moscow action scene is probably the biggest of the film.  It takes place at night and features a Rolls Royce filled with our heroes who are being chased by Las Plagas zombies on motorcycles.  It ends up the virus has mutated and the zombies now have motor functions and can now not only drive motorcycles but they can also fire semi automatic machine guns.  While it sounds crazy, it will definitely be unlike any zombie chase scene ever done on a movie screen.
  • Resident Evil: Retribution takes place in New York, Tokyo, Moscow and Washington D.C.  The movies do big business around the world so they wanted a more global feel to the film.
  • According to producer Jeremy Bolt, the franchise is “within sight of the end.”  He went on to say that the 5th installment is the most “science fiction-y” of the franchise and it has the most action.  Bolt went on to say that he could see a Resident Evil spinoff movie based on a character from the franchise.  He did not say which character.
  • Alice develops a mother-daughter relationship with Becky (Aryana Engineer) in the film.  However, before you start to wonder if she’s really her daughter, Jovovich told us it’s more like the relationship between Ripley and Newt in Aliens.  She went on to say the relationship is a way for Alice to hold onto her humanity.
  • The producers say the budget has gone up on every Resident Evil film.

  • Milla Jovovich (Alice) has two big fight scenes in the film and one is over ten minutes.  Of course that could change in editing.  In addition, Boris Kodjoe (Luther) fights against eight people at the same time and Michelle Rodriguez has a fight scene with over seventy moves.
  • While the video game features a love story between Ada Wong and Leon, don’t expect to see it in the movie.
  • Paul W.S. Anderson says the 4th film (Afterlife) started a new trilogy and he sees the sixth film as the series finale.  He also really wanted to direct the second and third Resident Evil films but had other commitments.  He’s very happy to be back directing the 5th installment.
  • While I won’t reveal how I know this bit of info….if they make a 6th Resident Evil movie, I’m extremely confident Becky plays a big role.
  • I asked Li BingBing (Ada Wong) about cutting her hair to look the part.  Sitting next to her, it looked real.  However, Bing revealed that she’s actually wearing a very expensive wig that cost about $7,500 dollars.  She went on to tell us she was offered the role only days after auditioning and she had never fired a gun until she arrived on set.
  • Anderson relied heavily on the video games for inspiration for Retribution, just as they did with the previous films.

  • They’re basing an action set-piece from the fifth video game where the characters are driving in a Hummer while being chased by zombies. Anderson changed the vehicle to a Rolls Royce Phantom.
  • When decided which new characters to include in Retribution, Anderson and Milla Jovovich listened to the fanbase. They settled on adding Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, and Barry Burton, who they felt where the three fan-favorites that the film franchise had yet to touch on.
  • When casting for the new characters, they tried their best to get people that looked as much like the game characters as possible.
  • When Anderson signed on for the first film, he flew to Osaka and spent three days at Capcom explaining his vision and having a dialogue with the game creators.
  • Anderson says the relationship between the films and Capcom is symbiotic. They look at the scripts and give notes, and sometimes the Anderson and the people working on the film franchise will change things because of the comments.

Final Thoughts

If you’re a fan of the Resident Evilmovies and/or video games, the fifth installment looks to be the biggest and most action orientated of the series.  It’s also got a number of characters from the video games, which should please the fans.

While the series will never win any year end awards, I think Retribution should be a fun popcorn movie and I’m definitely looking forward to the Red Square Rolls Royce action scene.  After all, who doesn’t want to see zombies with machine guns on motorcycles? Resident Evil: Retribution hits theaters September 14th.


by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub 

publicado por Andreia Torres às 22:29

O Último Papa de Luís Miguel Rocha

O Último Papa
Edição/reimpressão: 2013
Páginas: 416
Editor: Porto Editora
Disponibilidade: Pré-lançamento - envio a partir de 01-11-2013


29 de Setembro de 1978. O mundo acorda com a chocante notícia da morte do Papa João Paulo I, eleito há apenas trinta e três dias. O Vaticano declara que Sua Santidade morreu de causas desconhecidas e que o corpo será embalsamado dentro de vinte e quatro horas, impossibilitando qualquer autópsia...
2006. A jornalista Sarah Monteiro recebe na caixa de correio um envelope com uma lista de nomes que não conhece e uma mensagem codificada. Inicialmente, Sarah fica apenas confusa, mas depois de a sua casa ser assaltada percebe que aquela lista a coloca em perigo. 
O conteúdo do envelope revela um mundo de corrupção que a jornalista nunca imaginara e ajuda a descobrir a verdade sobre a misteriosa morte de João Paulo I. Arrastada para uma realidade em que mercenários implacáveis, políticos corruptos e membros da Igreja conspiram com o mesmo propósito, Sarah terá de escolher entre contar ao mundo a verdade ou salvar a sua própria vida.
publicado por sá morais às 13:15

darkWaters - Pure Hate

publicado por sá morais às 13:09

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity


We go to see horror movies to see terrifying monsters — but sometimes the scariest monsters in a horror film are the people. In movies like Carrie, opening today, the real horror is how terribly the humans behave. Here are 11 of the most misanthropic horror films ever made.

1) Let The Right One In (2008)

In Let The Right One In a young boy is driven from his home by bullies — straight into the arms of a vampire. 12-year old Oskar befriends Eli, a mysterious vampire child. Eli and Oskar form a strong friendship, exchanging messages and presents. Even after he learns what Eli is, Oskar doesn’t run away or break off the friendship. Eli seems to be his only friend, and his relationship with his parents is strained by their separation. Meanwhile, Oskar continues to be bullied by his classmates. In the climax of the film the bullies attempt to drown Oskar in the school pool. Eli comes to his rescue, putting a very violent end to their bullying. Humanity doesn’t come out of this movie looking too great. The people Oskar knows are bullies, drunks, or just too distracted to notice how much he’s suffering. Eli is the only one who helps him and urges him to stand up for himself. And meanwhile, we see what happened to the last human to get drawn into Eli's orbit.

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

2) Fido (2006)

The zombie apocalypse has come and gone — so naturally, corporations have found a way to turn the undead into slaves. ZomCom has invented zombie slave collars, that are controlled with remotes by the humans who own them. All of the neighbors have one, so the Robinsons buy a zombie to keep up. Timmy Robinson quickly forms a bond with the family’s new “pet,” naming him Fido. His mother, Helen, also forms a bond with Fido while her emotionally distant husband wants nothing to do with it. In addition to showing us the desire of humans to monetize even the most tragic of events, we see that zombies can be better family members than some humans.

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

3) Zombie Strippers (2008)

Everyone is terrible in Zombie Strippers. The zombies, the strippers, the government... everyone. During George W. Bush’s fourth term in office, a zombie virus gets released in the bleak town of Sartre, Nebraska. When the plague hits a strip club, infecting the star stripper, the club owner decides not to take her off the stage. The customers prefer the attentions of the zombie stripper, so soon enough, more strippers voluntarily become zombies. The intense gore and violence are less powerful than the bleakness of this riff on Ionesco's Rhinoceros.

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

4) Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Cabin in the Woods shows a team of dedicated professionals, using horror movie cliches to torment five real college students. But it turns out their torment is a sacrifice to a huge, ancient god — and it's the only thing keeping our entire world going. In one unforgettable scene the office celebrates a successful year of murder while a young woman struggles for her life on a screen in the background. As the film comes to a climax, the two survivors ask themselves whether the survival of the human race is really worth it. Their answer is a resounding "nope."

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

5) The Last Winter (2006)

Humanity is terrible enough in The Last Winter that the Earth itself turns against us. Strange things start happening at an oil drill site, and soon people start to realize that the destruction humanity has caused has called forth the ghosts of fossil fuels. The film suggests humanity has acted like a virus, that the Earth is defending itself against. The ghosts kill off most of the characters in the movie, and in the final scene we see news footage showing widespread natural disasters. It’s clear that humanity has wasted what we was given, and we probably won’t get a second chance.

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

6) Day of the Dead (1985)

Director George A. Romero describes Day of the Dead as a “tragedy about how a lack of human communication causes chaos and collapse even in this small little pie slice of society.” After the events of Romero’s previous films, a group of government scientists and military personnel shelter in underground bunker near Fort Myers, Florida. The scientists continue their research into finding a cure or pacifying the zombies.Supplies run low and disagreements about the research divides the survivors. Even in such a dire situation, humanity can’t find a way to work together.

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

7) Deadgirl (2008)

When two high school boys stumble upon a deaf, mute naked woman in an abandoned mental hospital, they rape her and try multiple times to kill her. They bring in classmates, who pay to rape and torture the woman they nickname “Deadgirl.” When they realize that she has an infectious disease that can turn other girls into similar zombies, they decide to infect a classmate who had formerly rejected them. Like Fido and Zombie Strippers, this movie uses exaggeration to show how we're willing to exploit and demean each other in the name of pleasure.

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

8) 28 Days Later (2002)

After a highly contagious virus gets loose, society starts to break down. The government has shut down after being overrun by people suffering from the "rage virus." A small group of survivors finds a military blockade near Manchester and believe they will be safe, but soon discover that the sadistic Major Henry West can be worse than the Infected. West’s plan involves starving the Infected to death while forcing women into sexual slavery with his soldiers. The female survivors are dragged away to be raped while the men are sent to be executed. The infection is scary, but it’s scarier to watch West abusing his power.

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

9) The Mist (2007)

After a mysterious mist, full of monsters, overtakes a town, a group of survivors seek shelter in the supermarket. They quickly subbumb to mob mentality. Mrs. Carmody, a religious fanatic, quickly gathers a cult around her who eagerly sacrifice a man to the monsters outside. When the main character, David, tries to flee she destroys his supplies and is killed. David and his group eventually make it out of the supermarket, but find that the outside world is even more terrifying than they thought. In a last ditch effort to avoid being eaten by the creatures in the mist, David kills his companions and walks into the mist to sacrifice himself. He then learns that they were only moments away from being saved and he murdered four people for nothing.

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

10) Frankenstein (1931)

Frankenstein’s monster might end up as a creature to be feared, but it doesn't start out that way. When he is first created, the monster is an innocent, peaceful creature. Thanks to misunderstandings, and Fritz’s cruelty, he is driven to madness and destruction. If Fritz hadn’t tormented him with fire, or if Doctor Frankenstein hadn’t misunderstood his early actions, perhaps he could have had a very different life and death. Instead, the townspeople form a mob, eventually capturing and burning the monster alive. Humanity created this monster in more ways than one.

11 Horror Movies That Are Scary Because of What They Say About Humanity

11) Martyrs (2008)

This French horror film features a secret society that tortures young women. We learn that they believe they can learn the secrets of the afterlife by making the girls into martyrs, and that all of their attempts have only created victims. We see a young woman beaten and degraded until the head of the cult tells her that she has progressed further than any of their previous victims. They then proceed to flay her alive, and when she survives the horrific procedure she whispers the secret of the afterlife to the cult leader who commits suicide soon after. Seeing people torment others is bad enough, but it’s almost worse knowing that they’re doing it in the name of enlightenment.

publicado por Andreia Torres às 21:48







- "As you sow, so shall you reap". This is also known as the "Law of Cause and Effect". 

- Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us. 

- If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Love, Friendship... Then we should BE Happy, Peaceful, Loving and a True Friend.


- Life doesn't just HAPPEN, it requires our participation. 

- We are one with the Universe, both inside and out. 

- Whatever surrounds us gives us clues to our inner state. 

- BE yourself, and surround yourself with what you want to have present in your Life. 


- What you refuse to accept, will continue for you. 

- If what we see is an enemy, or someone with a character trait that we find to be negative, then we ourselves are not focused on a higher level of existence. 


- "Wherever you go, there you are". 

- For us to GROW in Spirit, it is we who must change - and not the people, places or things around us. 

- The only given we have in our lives is OURSELVES and that is the only factor we have control over. 

- When we change who and what we are within our heart our life follows suit and changes too. 


- Whenever there is something wrong in my life, there is something wrong in me. 

- We mirror what surrounds us - and what surrounds us mirrors us; this is a Universal Truth. 

- We must take responsibility what is in our life. 


- Even if something we do seems inconsequential, it is very important that it gets done as everything in the Universe is connected. 

- Each step leads to the next step, and so forth and so on. 

- Someone must do the initial work to get a job done. 

- Neither the first step nor the last are of greater significance, 

- As they were both needed to accomplish the task. 

- Past-Present-Future they are all connected... 


- You can not think of two things at the same time. 

- When our focus is on Spiritual Values, it is impossible for us to have lower thoughts such as greed or anger. 


- If you believe something to be true,then sometime in your life you will be called upon to demonstrate that particular truth. 

- Here is where we put what we CLAIM that we have learned, into actual PRACTICE. 


- Looking backward to examine what was, prevents us from being totally in the HERE AND NOW. 

- Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, old dreams... 

- Prevent us from having new ones. 


- History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path. 


- All Rewards require initial toil. 

- Rewards of lasting value require patient and persistent toil. 

- True joy follows doing what we're suppose to be doing, and waiting for the reward to come in on its own time. 


- You get back from something whatever YOU have put into it. 

- The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intent that is put into it. 

- Every personal contribution is also a contribution to the Whole. 

- Lack luster contributions have no impact on the Whole, nor do they work to diminish it. 

- Loving contributions bring life to, and inspire, the Whole.


publicado por Andreia Torres às 01:42

Totally Fucked Up: Films That Disturb and Offend



Salo is a raw tale of sadistic immorality and sexual perversion. But really, what the hell do you expect? It's a truthful and honest movie adaption of the Marquis De Sade's classic novel of the same name, that was burned and banned for hundreds of years. But Salo does say a lot about the horrors of fascism and bourgeois decadence, so it's not pornographic just for the hell of it.

This movie is definitely on the inflammatory and traumatizing side of things. In fact, Pier Paolo Pasolini was murdered before Salo was even released and luckily did not witness the intense backlashes and controversies surrounding the movie.
2. Cannibal Holocaust (1980)


Cannibal Holocaust- The name itself brings back bad memories of my viewing experience.

It's a super disgusting fever dream nightmare. There's tons of gore, the most nasty being the scene where a turtle gets graphically murdered and eaten. I felt the bile rise up in my throat as I watched. Just a warning- don't watch this if you're eating, just ate, or ever plan to eat ever again.
3. Ichi the Killer (2001)

From the crazy Asian director Takashi Miike, we get a warped, twisted gore overload of a mob film that would make even the most psychotic pervo sick to their stomach. The main character even cuts his own tongue off and enjoys masochistic beatings. Ichi is sex and violence combined into one all-encompassing bout of troubling cinema.
4. Audition (1999)

Another Takashi Miike flick. I actually did not find this film disturbing at all and I was like "what the hell do people get all worked up over this for?" But then came the last 30 minutes. Totally weird. Anyways, Audition is not really that sickening, but that's just my opinion.
5. Equus (1977)


This is a super underrated film with brilliant acting. It's very screwed up though because it's about a young man's strange sexual obsession with horses and his spiral into psychosis. This one's more psychologically disturbing and challenging.
6. Turkish Delight (1973)

This Dutch classic is far from your average love story. It's really sexually explicit, with full frontal shots of the lovely Rutger Hauer's dong, and has tons of vomit, blood, maggots and shit and a super depressing ending.
7. An Andalusian Dog (1929)

Luis Bunuel's short masterpiece is mostly known for its infamous shot of an eyeball being sliced open with a razor blade, but it has tons of other surreal and repulsive visuals that also stun and shock.


8. The Holy Mountain (1973)

When I first saw this film, I didn't know what to make of it. I still don't. The only way I can describe it- a psychedelic trip through hell.
9. El Topo (1970)

A bizarre, bloody, desert hallucination-like freakshow about a master gunfighter who destroys all his rivals.
10. Antichrist (2009)

Antichrist is visually stunning, but actually pretty boring. Until it starts getting really gory. But watching Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg having sex is disturbing enough already.
11. Irreversible (2002)

Gaspar Noe's sexually depraved flick is most well known for it's disgusting half hour rape scene where Monica Belluci's character is brutally violated and beaten beyond belief. Not only that, but there is a super sick continuous shot of a guy's skull being bashed in. It's a sight for sore eyes, I tell ya.
12. Enter the Void (2009)

This psychedelic visual feast for the eyes is much more than just gorgeous glossy tripping. It's a nasty, offensive nightmare of drugs, death and incest.
13. Naked Lunch (1991)

When I first watched Naked Lunch, I had no idea what to expect. I was just bored and wanted to watch any random movie. Next thing I knew, I was stunned to the core and totally sucked in. It horrified me though because I'm not scared of a lot, but bugs are really gross to me and this film has more than it's share of creepy crawling insects.
14. Videodrome (1983)

I love David Cronenberg. And this is one of his best, an extremely sadomascochistic barf bag that features a raunchy Debbie Harry and an arrogant James Woods dragged into a strange psychosexual murderfest.
15. Bad Lieutenant (1992)

Harvey Keitel gives an amazing perfomance as an anger crazed, drug addicted, corrupt asshole of a cop investigating the brutal rape of a young nun. Not for the faint of heart or mind.
16. The Devils (1971)


For some dumb reason, I decided to watch The Devils at night. I couldn't sleep because I was so revulsed by what I'd just seen. A sacrilegious, bloody, amazing nightmare tale of sexually repressed nuns who have a priest massacred for their delusions.
17. Repulsion (1965)

Roman Polanski's greatest 60s film features a beautiful young Catherine Denueve who descends into madness and murder when left alone. Tons of rotting flesh and insane fantasies in this manic flick.

This rare documentary is so unseen, mostly because it's been banned in America and many other countries, but this is as real as it gets. The Killing of America isn't just a movie made for childish entertainment, it's about the mass murderers, serial killers, assassins, criminals and other psychos who run loose in the world. It has real snuff footage of death and violence. After seeing a film like this you think, is there really any hope for us in this doomed violent world?
19. Faces of Death (1978)

Super controversial and freaky, this flick has some real death scenes and some fake ones, but those are still creepy too.
20. A Serbian Film (2010)

A truly fucked up story about a Serbian porn star who looks like David Spade. The guy ends up doing really sick shit after being manipulated and drugged, and he destroys his whole family in a crazy sort of way.

A gross low budget film about white trash gone mad. It's loosely based on real life serial killer partners Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole.
22. Lilya Forever (2002)

Watching this made me sick. Lilya 4Ever is a sad, miserable film about a young girl reduced to prostitution after being abandoned by her own mother and abused by every asshole around her. Very difficult to get through without crying tears of blood.
23. Eraserhead (1977)

I'd say Eraserhead is the most disturbing film to me. It's so menacing and bizarre and unnerving. The deformed, bile spewing "baby" is the worst part.
24. Blue Velvet (1986)

David Lynch's movies are such a mindfuck. And Blue Velvet fucks you right in the ass with it's over the top weirdness. Seriously, what kind of loon dreamed up the script? Dennis Hopper gives an awesome perfomance as perv psycho Frank Booth.

The Wall is very trippy and forces you think about the existential emptiness of life. Pink Floyd is my fave band, but even the soothing music couldn't distract me from the disturbingly vivid visuals. It really gets to ya.

This film is fucking cray and out of this world. And intense with a white hot heat and urgency. Leatherface is probably the most scariest slasher villain of all time. Who else hangs human beings up on meat hooks and cuts off faces and uses them as terrifying flesh masks? His whole family of inbred psychotic cannibal hicks is creepy. Just imagining being chased by a loony with a chainsaw gives me chills.
27. Dead Ringers (1988)

A nutty flick about twin gynecologist bros who lose their shit completely and spin out of control. Kind of reminds me of Persona, but 20 times more disturbing.
28. Crash (1996)


This one's really pervy, with lots of bizarre sex because it's about people with boners for car accidents. Watch it if you have a dirty, filthy mind.
29. Lost Highway (1997)

Creepy confusing David Lynch. Robert Blake is crazy fucking scary.
30. Man Bites Dog (1992)

A screwed up satire about a serial killer who'll murder anyone he can get his hands on, for the most ridiculous and laughable reasons.

A night out gone totally wrong. Two teenage girls are kidnapped by a gang of psycho prison escapees, and are forced to do degrading things. They're killed shortly after. The revenge scene by the parents is wicked.
32. Caligula (1979)


I really love Malcolm McDowell, and this is one of his classic films so I had to see it. Plus, I'm nuts about Ancient Roman history. I really did not expect to watch a demented melee of porn and gore. Caligula is really visually astonishing though. Roman decadence at its finest.


When I heard about the story for this movie, I just could not stop laughing. A crazed doctor who glues people's assholes and mouths together to make a human centipede? LOL! Well the joke was on me because it wasn't funny at all. It was fucking disgusting.

Why, why in the hell would they make a second movie? Why did I even watch it??? Well, this one's more screwed up than the first one. A fat, ugly, mentally disturbed guy rounds up even more people to make an uber-gigantic centipede. Tons of sick gore that made me want to vomit my guts out.
35. Pink Flamingos (1972)



This is a really dumb film. But I can't help but love it. Trashy tranny Divine and her equally trashy family endure blazing escapades and rivalries, celebrate Divine's birthday and have their trailer burned down. Oh yeah, how could I forget the coolest part! Divine eats shit at the end. REAL dog shit.


Rape, murder and revenge. But seriously, the rape scene was agonizing long and excruciating. It makes the revenge all the more satisfying though because those dickhead rapists deserved to die. I Spit On Your Grave is a contradiction, not sure if it's sexist or feminist.

Ilsa is a Nazi sexploitation classic, with tons of torture and blood. Oh, those crazy, horny Nazis!
38. Freaks (1932)

Freaks is awesome because director Tod Browning (who also made Dracula with Bela Lugosi) used real circus freaks. Pinheads, armless legless wonders, midgets, bearded women, conjoined twins, contortionists, strongmen, you name it, this film's got it.
39. The Machinist (2004)


What an insane and out of control film. The ending just punches you in the face. And to see the always handsome Christian Bale look so anorexically skinny- man that's a kick in head!
40. The Fly (1986)


Jeff Goldblum plays a brilliant scientist on the verge of a revolutionary discovery that transports objects to other places. But when he tries to test the machine on himself, shit gets fucked. Why? There was a fucking fly in there!! He begins to morph into a fly himself in a gruesome, utterly grotesque metamorphoses. David Cronenberg directs The Fly masterfully, and manages to make it extremely disgusting and super vile.
41. The Exorcist (1973)

This legendary horror film has scared the shit out of millions of people around the world. So why would it not be on this list? Projectile vomit, demonic possessions, flashing seizure images, a freaky exorcism, a hideous scabby faced rotten-toothed young girl who kills priests....Leave the lights on when you watch this one!
42. Mysterious Skin (2004)


Pedophilia, rape, prostitution. Mysterious Skin is definitely on the sleazy side of things.

This is another one of those films that nearly made me lose my lunch. Helen Mirren plays an abused wife, always in a constant gut wrenching fear of her psychotic gangster of a husband. She and her husband always visit the same restaurant every week, and she begins leaving during meals to cheat on him with some random guy. They have sex in the godamn meat locker. Yuck. And she comes back like nothing happened. But when he finds about the affair, that's when it gets real sick.
44. Jigoku (1960)


This is definitely the most vivid representation of hell I've ever seen in a film. Very violent and shit your pants scary! The images that flashed before me in Jigoku are too macabre to forget...
45. Re-Animator (1985)

It's so awesome how gory Re Animator is. Jeffrey Combs portrays the greatest mad scientist ever conjured up in someone's foul mind, and he'll stop at nothing to continue his hideous experiments, no matter what cost.
46. Deliverance (1972)

This is a nice film about a bunch of guys going for a manly vacation in the woods. Until a bunch of crazy hicks and nature screws them over. The "I bet you can squeal like a pig. Weeeeeeee!" scene is especially fucked.
47. Bad Timing (1980)

Another sexually explicit film I regret watching. A screwed up couple who keep bitching and fighting and making up, a frightfully horrid Harvey Keitel, and Art Garfunkel engaging in necrophilia- bring me a barf bag man.
48. Straw Dogs (1971)

Dustin Hoffman plays a nerdy dude who gets pushed too far and goes apeshit. Also features a nasty rape scene. Sam Peckinpah was a total misogynist.

Martin Scorsese directs this bloody and trippy vision of Jesus' life and death, and Willem Dafoe plays him brilliantly. I don't get why people shit themselves over it being "sacrilegious." If I'm an atheist and can enjoy this, can't a Christian who actually believes in this kind of stuff? Jesus being portrayed with imperfection is realistic.
50. Midnight Cowboy (1969)

Jon Voight plays a prostitute and Dustin Hoffman stars as his sickly pimp in this gritty flick about tough life in New York. Really goddamn depressing.
publicado por Andreia Torres às 01:38

Ten better crazy ass facts about space





1. A fast spaceship could take you to the future

Lightspeed travel causes time dilation, in which time passes more slowly for the traveller than for the universe outside. Therefore, a lightspeed voyage of several months could see many years pass at home, effectively sending the traveller into the future.



2. Jupiter may be a failed star

Jupiter has the right combination of elements to be a star, but it lacks the mass (even though you could easily fit 1,300 Earths inside it). If it had attracted a little more mass when it formed, we would probably live in a binary star system (like Tatooine) and be dead from the massive amounts of radiation.



3. We once received a signal that could have been from aliens (it also could have been from something else)

The WOW signal was a radio signal recorded in 1977 at a deep space radio observatory. It was a strong signal that lasted for just over a minute and was never repeated. There has been much speculation over the years as to what it actually was, as it doesn’t match any known natural emission, and its origin is still a mystery.



4. The Voyager 1 spacecraft is about to leave the solar system

It may already have, although it’s not like there’s a line in space that it has to cross. Interstellar space is meant to begin where the influence of the sun ends.



5. Everything on Earth is doomed

Yup, in about 4 or 5 billion years, the sun will swell up to a gigantic size and burn the planet to a cinder.



6. It was easier to travel to the moon in 1969 than it was to fake the moon landing

As this great video points out, film technology was not yet at a stage where it could fake a continuous broadcast like the moon landing.



7. The moon is a chunk of the Earth

The moon is a piece of debris left over from a massive collision between Earth and another planet-sized object in the early formation of the solar system.



8. It’s entirely possible that there are many intelligent life forms in the universe, but we may never even know that they exist

Due to the vast distances between stars, the massive age of the universe and the fact that our technologically inclined society evolved relatively quickly, it’s entirely possible that civilisations have risen and fallen many times over, very far away, before we came along.



9. Saturn will have no rings in the future

In another 50 million years or so, Saturn’s rings will either be absorbed by the planet, or flung off into space.



10. Life may evolve on Titan

Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, has many of the things that one needs to create basic life, but it’s extremely cold. However, it will warm up in the future when the sun expands and could become hospitable to some form of life then.

publicado por Andreia Torres às 00:07



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